Terms and Privacy

By downloading and using the MakolaHub mobile application (“MakolaHub”, the “Company”, or the “App”), you agree to the following terms & conditions. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions, do not use this App. Violation of the terms may result in termination of your account. Upon registering on MakolaHub, you agree to provide accurate and current information about yourself, and to promptly update such information if changes occur.

Using the App

MakolaHub is a marketplace designed to facilitate trade between buyers and sellers. Users shall utilize MakolaHub as an intermediary to connect with business partners and promote products and services. The Company is not liable for transactions initiated through the App. Certain features of the App require user registration. Account owners are solely responsible for all activities under their account. You must inform MakolaHub of any unauthorized use of your account.


Content you post on MakolaHub remains your property. However, by posting, you grant MakolaHub a non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable, worldwide license to use, store, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, perform, and distribute your content on MakolaHub solely for the purposes of operating, developing, providing, and using the MakolaHub App. MakolaHub claims no further proprietary rights in your content.

User-Generated Content

When creating a posting, it is crucial that the content pertains solely to your business. All submissions must be your original work and not infringe on any third-party rights, including copyrights. Users should refrain from posting anything that is illegal, illicit, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate. Content must focus on business matters and is not intended for personal use.

Limitation of Liability

MakolaHub acts as an intermediary and is not responsible for resolving user disputes.


Users will indemnify MakolaHub against claims arising from their use of the App.

Privacy Statement

MakolaHub prioritizes data protection. Registered users consent to the storage and sharing of their contact information within the App.

Changes Notification

MakolaHub may modify these terms, with changes announced via the App and other mediums.

Collecting and Use of Information

Information is collected for registration and to enhance user experience. Data is not sold to third parties without notice.

Deleting Profile and Data

Users have the right to delete their data at any time. To permanently removeyour company profile and all associated data, navigate to the Menu tab and select the option to delete your company. Please be aware that this action is irreversible, and all data will be permanently erased from our systems.